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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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    Japan Trip

    Nights 1 and 2 It’s hard to fathom the Japanese rail network until you experience it. There is simply no equal to it by any metric - the frequency, speed, comfort and overall usefulness of their trains is second to none. In fact, the only thing I can really compare it to is the US airline...
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    Time Magazine article on American HSR An incomplete history to be sure - but convincing enough to the layman to produce a modicum of understanding.
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    Learning from other nations/infrastructure redundancy

    I found this video to be really interesting - do any experts here agree/disagree?
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    Shinkansen/JR help

    It is hard to overstate my excitement for a trip to Japan in just over a month. It will be my first proper time in the country (Narita Airport when I was 11 years old doesn't count), and in addition to skiing, I'm hoping to ride a lot of trains. Does anyone here have expertise with Japan...
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    Cape Cod commuter rail I thought this might merit a...
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    Freight derailments
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    MBTA Electrification bill
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    MBTA Fitchburg line extension As much as half-witted comments like “boondoggle” and “this price you could buy every one of us 40,000 of Franklin County a Tesla...
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    Air travel with an infant

    My wife and I and our newborn son will be traveling to Hong Kong to visit family in July or August. I am completely terrified at the prospect of traveling an ultra-long-haul flight with what will be an 8 or 9 month old. Question 1: Do we pony up for business class? Most articles I've read about...
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    Should transit be free?

    This is a question getting asked a lot now, especially in Boston with the relatively new mayor pushing for free buses and more. This article has a very interesting take, which summed up seems to be: If you...
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    Europe 2022

    I have not been to Europe since 2019. Due to the pandemic cancelling concerts, I really had no work over there until this summer, so naturally, I was excited. Interestingly enough, I had very little interest in trains in 2019. I certainly enjoyed a good train ride, and definitely knew that...
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    Roma Termini Luggage

    Does anyone have a lot of experience with Roma Termini? I have about 10 hours in Rome before I catch a Nightjet to Vienna in a few weeks, and I’m wondering if there is luggage storage anywhere in the station or if there are lounges one can pay to enter and store things like Amtrak.
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    Cleveland RTA experience

    I spent the last couple weeks teaching and performing in the Cleveland area, and I had the pleasure of visiting the old Cleveland Union Terminal and Tower City Center. I then had the chance to check out Cleveland’s public transportation. My gosh, what a building. It was exactly as spectacular...
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    MBTA Electrification

    This article shows plans and a minor breakdown of the MBTA electrification plan. It’s taken some time for the MBTA to release anything concrete in regard to their initial electrification announcement some years ago. Highlights include overhead electrification of Worcester Line in the middle...
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    Points Guy article - Amtrak attracting new customers

    I did a brief search to check that this wasn’t a redundant post, but please delete if it is. I found this to be an interesting Article about travel trends. I like the points guy. Definitely worth checking out of you haven’t before.
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    A strange claim of Amtrak discrimination

    If anyone is looking for a ludicrous chuckle. Amtrak response...
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    Acela 2155 service disruption (1/21)

    My friends were traveling to NYC from Boston, and as a small gift I gave them 2 of my upgrade coupons to enjoy Acela 1st class, which they really did (as they txted me so). Unfortunately, 2155 broke down today somewhere near NHV, and they had to transfer to a regional (I feel terrible for...
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    Across the Country

    This was my first cross country train trip. While I have done each leg separately, I have not crossed the country in one continuous journey. I was particularly excited for this trip, especially because of the return of traditional dining, and to try the Empire Builder. My personal hope was to...
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    Rules regarding Diner doubling as a lounge

    I’m currently aboard the Empire Builder, and the train is, as predicted, packed. The lounge is full with no seats in sight. I asked the Dining attendant if we could hang out at one of the empty tables, and he gave a frustrated and unequivocal no. Is this common practice/rules? Or is it a train...
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    A little gratitude

    We have plenty to complain about on this forum (and rightly so), but in the interest of gratitude, and preserving what we have, I wanted to list all of the good things that have occurred this year with regard to Amtrak. I don’t really consider myself to be particularly patriotic, but Amtrak is...